4:39 PM
by Tim
And again, months pass. No news. No surprise there.
I'd planned on doing a monthly installment of something to post up on a website somewhere. But! I didn't factor in the incredible inertia I can muster when it comes to doing something constructive yet slightly difficult. So, the monthly story isn't happening.
I've nearly got that article done - they pushed the deadline out, so I've been even slower than necessary getting the last bit of editing on it.
I've been meaning to get the Novella edited as well. I really should be starting to shop it around. Guess I just need to take some of my dedication for everything and push myself to get the edits started. I have (or can probably find) the time, I'm just not working up to capacity on it. I suppose that's more of the same inertia.
I think I just need some refocusing time.